
It’s like falling—
the sudden jump of nothing
catches in my throat
and drops far below
what I thought.

I bury myself
in the ambient sounds of the world
and hold on,
hold on so hard my fingers ache.
Afraid that if I open
my eyes and open my hands
that you will drift away—
lost in the eddy of light
that bathes me in pale warmth.

Orange isn’t a comfort
when it’s not only the sun that sets.
Dark brings the rain
and the ocean to swallow me whole.

I crave the light to return,
to set the world ablaze.
In the morning, though,
it doesn’t bring you back.

It’s like falling.


2 responses to “Horizon”

  1. Lovely poem, but so sad! I can feel the falling as well…

    1. I wrote this poem after we lost Rascal. There really wasn’t any other way to describe it.

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